Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Kate's Top 10 - 9.04

10. after all of the weddings i've attended, been a bridesmaid in, i'm finally a maid of honor, it had to happen one day! yay krystie!

9. finding new job prospects

8. cheaper gas

7. bike rides - especially at 5:30 in the morning, just light enough to see until the sun rises in all of it's incredible glory.

6. signing up for a half-marathon - yep, november 18th, i'll be treking it down 13 miles of pavement with my asics btw. me and the pavement.

5. rainy days/thunderstorms

4. baked sweet potatoes

3. www.foundmagazine.com - check it daily for randomness, then i bet you'll slow down a little more often to find your own found objects.

2. text messages

1. long weekends

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