Genericly Personal
nothing better than receiving a generic email such as this one from HotDate920:
Let me explain myself to you! I am 5' 8" with dark hair and Dark eyes. I also spend alot of time with friends and family, Oh yeah, I work out at the gym 4-5 days a week. I am a beach bunny who needs a friend who wants to go skydiving soon! How about you? LOL Anyways, I just moved to Atlanta, GA and I am 31 and work in health care. cant wait to hear from you.
ok, several things worth noting:
dark eyes? like evil eyes?
a beach bunny? isn't that a female term? and where in atlanta is he beach bunnying?
what kind of health care? do you clean the toilets in the hospital room b/c that working in health care.
however, maybe i should email him back and say we can meet if he takes me skydiving!
i'm fairly certain he just wrote this, cut and pasted it into six dozen emails to various women hoping one would bite.
seriously thinking about the skydiving offer though....