God and I have the best conversations in my car
I've been thinking about this a lot, I guess I'm a slow applier, b/c I've always heard this, just never felt like I got it in my life.
Let me explain...
I've been really happy, no, more like joyful, only to be explained as divine contentment. Just really excited about how God is working in my life and at peace knowing he's got it under control and I'm letting him. But as I love my life I can't help but think of the verse Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. (Matt. 10:39) I've been questioning how I can love my life, but not love my life.
This past week has been weird, I've kind of been emotionless, not happy, not sad, not mad, just blah, which is uncharacteristic of me, I usually wear my emotions on my sleeve and I have no real reason to be unhappy, as I said before things are fabulous.
Last night, it hit me, I think we go through highs (loving the life we are living) and lows (nothing is satisfying) b/c nothing in this this world can really satisfy us. We weren't created for this world and we were created to worship God. So when I'm unhappy or emotionless maybe it's because I'm not worshiping God enough or maybe it's because I won't be happy until I'm in heaven with my Father.
I think it's good I'm a little emotionless, maybe even a little unhappy, that means I'm not so attached to the things of this world or I should say becoming less attached and less fulfilled. I'm realizing I wasn't created for this world and will never be fully happy until I'm out of this world. Don't get me wrong, I'm still pulling for the dream job, dream house beneath the mountains and a little convertible, but I think I'm just realizing that those are things that I can be blessed with and be happy without, but their importance is less relevant.