Friday, January 19, 2007

i suck...

location: whole foods, wade avenue, raleigh, nc
time: approximately 5:00 p.m.
subject: hot man, approximately my age, possibly single, did i mention hot?

ok, so i've known this for a while, i need to get over this soon, sooner than later actually, i have a phobia of hot men, yes, it's true. i'm very, very intimidated by them. i mean, why would the hot man like me and what are the chances said hot man is single (they never are).

i'm browsing the aisles of an especially crowded whole foods when i spot him, mr. hotness himself. he turns around and looks at me and i avoid eye contact! i can't even smile at him! what is my problem?! i have a very serious problem...very serious.

i see mr. hotness several more times, still can't smile at him and can barely look at him. however, i did stare him down while standing in line. he was just so hot and seemed so nice. as i stared at him, i realized he looked familiar, but i couldn't quite place him, until i checked out the magazine stand and who was on the cover of some magazine? his twin, matthew fox.

i'm never going to date....sigh.......

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year to me!

this picture is kind of mean considering, but it's still hilarious

monday morning i was driving home from a friend's house on georgia 316 (only the worst road ever, there is a traffic light at every crossroads and you typically get each one) where the speed limit is 65, meaning i'm going to drive 75. so i'm driving along and look down and whoa, i'm going 75 and think maybe i should slow down (remember those traffic lights?) and i get down to 70 and hello, 3, count them THREE cops, but i think, "oh i'm ok, i'm only going 5 over." well apparently that was too fast and i get PULLED over! holy crap, i'm 9 hours into 2007 and i'm getting pulled over!

so the cop comes to my window and asks me where i'm going in such a hurry (69) and i ask him what the speed limit was, b/c seriously? and APPARENTLY the speed limit changed to 55 somewhere up the road...YIKES!

he then asks me if he gives me a warning will i slow down...."yes sir!"

i still have to give him my license and he asks if the address (georgia address) is my current address and b/c i CANNOT LIE i say yes and then volunteer that i don't live there anymore! SERIOUSLY!?

so i get a warning for speeding AND for not changing my address.

at least it was a warning. happy 2007 to me! maybe my "luck" will hold out!